Deco Products | Zinc Die Casting Capabilities: Precision Zinc Die Casting

Zinc Die Casting Capabilities: Precision Zinc Die Casting

At Deco Products one of our expertise capabilities is precision zinc die casting with hot chamber die casting. Deco Products is home to over fifty (50) 14-16 ton machines and over thirty (30) much larger stand alone machines ranging from 60-500 tons. Recently Deco Products added miniature multi-slide zinc die cast machines to our manufacturing process, and we are excited to start producing parts with the new equipment.

Increased Efficiencies and Capacity

Deco’s launder line, as we call it, provides an optimal way for transferring material in the zinc manufacturing process. On the launder line, molten zinc constantly runs through a trough where the 14-16 ton machines pressure inject the fluid zinc into a tool. This provides for increased efficiencies and capacity and quicker modular setups. The high pressure injection in hot chamber die casting ensures that molten zinc is pushed into all the hard to reach areas of the tool. This prevents defects in the final parts such as pitting from air pockets, ultimately saving money and time in the long run for both our customers and Deco Products. Deco’s stand alone machines utilize the same hot chamber pressure injection method of zinc die casting as our 14-16 ton machines on the launder line, just on a larger scale. These larger machines have the capabilities to produce parts ranging from a few ounces up to 8 pounds. This broad range gives Deco versatility on our ability to produce parts. Our larger machines, 60-500 tons, differ from the 14-16 ton machines because they all have their own melting pots. Zinc die cast machine operators in the stand alone machine area of Deco Products monitor less machines, but have to constantly make sure every machine has enough zinc in their melting pots to properly produce parts. Zinc die cast machine operators in the stand alone machine area of Deco Products monitor less machines, but have to constantly make sure every machine has enough zinc in their melting pots to properly produce parts.

To explore more into what Deco Products offers for capabilities and services, explore our Services and Capabilities page. Deco Products has been a reliable “Made in USA” zinc die cast manufacturer since 1960. Deco Products provides exceptional service and quality products for a multitude of industries. A few services Deco Products provides are custom precision engineered zinc die-casting, powder coating, assembly, CNC Machining, and DFM-Part Design. Deco has been a stable and reliable supplier to the industry and continuously strives for being the best value for its key partner/customers.

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