A trade show is a great venue for us to meet potential and current zinc die cast customers.
We use trade show opportunities to share information about the benefits of zinc die castings and the zinc die casting process.
Deco exhibits at a few key trade shows throughout the year which are all listed below.
At the Deco booth you will find knowledgeable personnel who can show you various components that Deco is currently producing or have produced in the past.
Deco Products is a leader in the industry and wants to work with you on any future projects. If you are unsure about what your options are, Deco can provide you with a full range of options from powder coat finishing to providing help in engineering and designing your part to bring it to market quickly and in a cost-effective manner.
Please come to any of the following trade shows to talk to us about any future zinc die cast projects that you may have. Don’t forget to “Think Zinc”!
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Deco Products is a full-service zinc die-caster that offers precision zinc die-castings to customers globally. We utilize custom-designed hot-chambered die-casting machines to offer you competitive and quality products.