Deco Products: Customer Testimonials

Deco Products in Decorah, IA strives to put our customers’ needs first.  Our customers count on Deco’s great customer support and is just one element of the Deco Advantage.  They continue to turn to us for their projects. Ever wondered what our customers are saying about us? Check out some of the testimonials below!


“After interviewing nearly a dozen organization worldwide, we started working with Deco to bring a new line of assemblies to our product line.   This was our first work with zinc and die casting.  Deco was instrumental in bringing our designs from the drawing board to reality, and educating at every step.  In production, every part has met or exceeded expectations: as does the service and sales process.  Deco is our trusted and invaluable partner.” -VP Market Development, Technical Lead


“Deco has proved to be an indispensable partner. They’ve consistently worked hand in hand with us to overcome challenges that past suppliers couldn’t handle. We enjoy on-time delivery of quality parts. What more could we ask for?” -Purchasing Manager 


“Deco customer service is responsive, professional, friendly and timely. They are always willing to try to meet the customer’s needs.” -Materials Manager 


“Deco went above and beyond in a time of need to help keep our production running.” -Window Purchasing Agent 


“Deco worked collaboratively with our company to improve on existing designs and create more efficient castings with lower cost.” -Procurement Manager 


Deco Products continues to satisfy the needs of our customers. We work diligently to get projects done in a timely matter. Looking for help on your next project? Contact Deco Products to see why so many customers choose us and stay with us for years to come! 


Deco Products has been a reliable “Made in USA” zinc die cast manufacturer since 1960. Deco Products provides exceptional service and quality products for a multitude of industries. A few services Deco provides are custom precision engineered zinc die casting, powder coating, assembly, CNC Machining, and DFM-Part Design. Deco has been a stable and reliable supplier to the industry and continuously strives for being the best value for its key partner/customers. 

Visit our About Us page to learn more! 

Zinc Advantages

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